The Empire Paintball Backpack is one of the original paintball backpacks and has been around for about 5 years. The Empire backpack is a great bag and great to hold all of your expensive paintball gear. The Empire backpack has evolved over the years to bring you one of the best backpacks in paintball. These Empire Backpacks are great to take to the field and know that all of your most expensive gear will be protected and safe.
The Empire Backpacks are available in 2007. 2008, and 2009 models. Each back pack is different but all function the same. Most of the Empire Backpacks have gun holsters, and are able to hold a good amount of gear. Each year they have been improved on and some are bigger then others allowing you to carry more stuff to the field. The empire backpacks also have comfortable shoulder straps so your shoulders don't start to hurt when carrying it.