Spyder paintball guns are cheap, reliable and easy to maintain. They have a beautiful and unique slick look, which makes it more popular among its users. While there are many different kinds of Kingman Spyders in the market, they all tend to break down and encounter some problems.
Problems and Its Solution
Here are some common problems with the right solutions. You may face these problems while buying Spyder paintball guns.
Usually it is seen that the bolts of Spyder paintball guns are locked up. It happens when the paintball has broken and the shell of the paintball has wrapped around the bolt. This keeps the bolt to slide freely inside the body of the gun. The solution to this is to put the cocking handle on the edge of the table or counter with the barrel pointed down and hit the rear of the Spyder with the palm of the hand. This will generally break the paintball shell loose. Now, clean the gun to get down the bolts outside. As the technology of the Spyder paintball guns has changed, you see less and less of the chopping paint due to the invention of the ACS bolt. The Spyder ACS bolt keeps your gun from chopping paint. Also, most of the electric spyder paintball guns have anti chop eye systems installed which make it so the gun will not shoot unless a ball is fully in the chamber.
Sometimes the grip of the gun gets loose or the grip comes unscrewed from the manufacturer. In this case, simply unscrew the two screws that hold the CA adapter onto the bottom of the grip. You need to use a small flathead screwdriver to tight the screw up.
If the triggers of Spyder Paintball guns are pulled, then they become static and not able to function. This is caused due to unreleased sear of the trigger. The pin in the trigger assembly that the sear rests on develops a flat spot. The pins need to be knocked out and either turned to the other side or replaced. Sometimes this problem can be caused by the sear spring, but more often, it is the pin. Hence, take a small flathead screwdriver to tighten the screw up and it is certain that you will to operate the gun again.
While operating Spyder guns, there may be a chance of ball breakage. It takes place due to high velocity, missing of ball detention, improper positioning of power feed plug, and shape of ball. The solution to these problems is stated below.
Simply chronograph your gun and turn down the velocity. Make sure the power feed plug is vertical. An improperly aligned feed can catch balls, as they feed into breech, causing the bolt to smash balls as it comes forward. Cock your gun, stick your pinky in the body of the Spyder, here the barrel usually screws into, and feed a little rubber nubbin that is your ball detent. This nubbin is kept in order to catch the ball and hold it in place until the air shoots it out. You should be able to push a paintball into your barrel and blow it out. If the paintball falls through your barrel or does not blow out, try using a different kind of paintball.
Kingman Spyder Paintball
There are many levels of the Spyder. These are usually divided up into the groups of guns that have mechanical triggers and electronic triggers. These guns are manufactured by Kingman International.
The Spyder Paintball gun has become one of the most copied body types on the paintball market. This is the reason behind the vast amount of upgrades and available modifications available to a new Spyder owner. This also applies to those who are owners of Spyder clones. Most of these markers do use the same parts and many times the parts are interchangeable.
The Kingman Spyder semi-automatics are a stacked tube design. They are also a open bolt blow back type. The blow back part means that part of the gas expelled during firing is used to re-cock the bolt and make it ready to fire again. The basic difference between an open bolt gun and a closed bolt gun is the starting position of the bolt before firing. The open bolt starts with the bolt in the rear position behind the feed tube and a closed bolt starts forward of the feed tube. Several sources claim that closed bolt guns are more accurate than open bolt guns. We say if the physics involved apply to real world guns in their action then it also applies to paintball guns. Typically a closed bolt "bolt action" rifle is much more accurate than it rapid firing counter part of the same caliber.
Lets get on with the mods. The Kingman Spyder is a durable reliable marker right out of the package from the factory, however it has some issues that you can address to make it perform much better.
Long trigger pull.
Sloppy side-to-side trigger action.
Not So Good stock barrel.
Occasional aggressive battery consumption with electric versions