It seems quite hard to believe, but the 09 Ego is the 5th Generation of Eclipse Ego. Few would have thought, back in 2004, that the first Eclipse Ego would have had such wide-spread and immediate impact across the globe as it has had. And yet here we are with the 09 Ego Paintball gun. The latest incarnation of the most popular tournament marker in the world.
The Eclipse Ego has always been built around the solid foundations of Reliability, Performance, Light-Weight and Simplicity. And the 09 Ego is no exception. In fact, it is obvious from the outset that the ground-up re-working of the Ego platform that was required in the development of the 09 Ego Paintball gun was undertaken with the sole purpose of improving on every one of those key areas. Reliability has been improved by removing potential weak areas of the previous design but without sacrificing any performance. In fact performance in almost every area has been increased substantially over the previous generation of Ego. And though there have been additions of new elements to items such as the S3 Self Purging In-Line Regulator and the body lengthened in order to incorporate a larger valve chamber, the weight of the marker has not increased by a single ounce over the outgoing model. It is clear that compromise was not a consideration in the design and implementation of the 09 Ego. And for that reason alone, it makes the Ego9 simply the best Ego ever.
Key Developments
Solenoid Valve
The 09 Ego has brought along a completely new design philosophy for the key elements of the electro-pneumatic assembly. A completely new custom solenoid valve has been designed and engineered to give the absolute maximum performance possible from the rammer mechanism, but in a package that is both smaller and far simpler to maintain than any previous Ego solenoid valve.
The main difference from any previous generation Ego is that there are no longer any QEVs. But the only way it has been possible to remove the QEVs and yet still increase cyclic speed and performance, has been to design and produce a brand-new, bespoke solenoid valve, and mount it and port it directly into the rammer chamber. By designing the solenoid from the ground-up, rather than trying to shoe-horn in an off-the-shelf item, it has meant that we have been able to design the housing to both fit in as small and compact profile as possible, and also port the valve for the absolute maximum performance in terms or response time and flow rate. And because the valve is ported so close to the rammer chamber, the actual exhaust paths through the valve are larger, shorter and less convoluted than any of the previous generation QEVs. And we all know from experience that it is the exhaust paths that can have the most striking effect on rammer speed and efficiency.
There are also several other benefits of the new solenoid valve. For example, by designing it and mounting it in such a way there is no longer any need for hoses from the solenoid valve to the QEV block or ports. There is now just one hose (that has been increased in flow by 2.5 times over the original supply hose) that runs from the LPR Torpedo down to the new solenoid valve.
The new 09 Ego solenoid valve has also been designed to be very user-friendly and user serviceable. The same size hex key that removes the eye covers and the grips can also be used to remove and 100% strip-down the new valve. And with so-few components, trouble-shooting and repair (if it is ever needed!) could not be any easier.
And if all that wasn't enough, the new solenoid valve not only operates with a 40% lower Wattage power coil, but because the speed of the rammer has been so significantly increased, the electronic Dwell setting required to achieve the same valve opening time has also been reduced. The new valve assembly really is a Win, Win, Win, Win scenario.
Off-Set Bores
Another first for the Eclipse Ego, the Ego9 utilizes Off-Set lower bores in order to solve a geometric conundrum that plagues the average stacked-tube marker. In previous Egos, and all other stacked tube markers, the upper (barrel and bolt) bore and lower (poppet valve and rammer) bores are separated by a fixed amount that is governed by a) the diameter of the barrel and threads and b) the diameter of the valve chamber. So what is the problem? Well, all the driving (accelerative and deccelerative) forces are tied to the centre-line, or axis, of the lower bore and specifically the rammer. However, there is a large mass, namely the bolt and pin, that is also tied to the rammer, but is in an orientation that is called "Off Axis", meaning that the centre of mass of the bolt does not operate along the same axis as the rammer. When the rammer accelerates, the force acts on the bottom of the bolt pin, which in turn pushes the bolt forward. But because centre-line of the bolt is a distance from the centre-line of the rammer, it creates an Off-Axis load, which produces a twisting action on the bolt and pin. When the rammer comes to a stop, the same happens again. The rammer stops, but the bolt tries to carry on, but because it is connected to the rammer by the bottom of the pin, the bolt creates a twisting motion about the point the pin connects to the rammer. The result is that every time the bolt is accelerated or stopped (by hitting the valve or the rear bumped) the bolt tries to resist that action and creates a force that wants to tip the marker forward or backwards. These forces and actions are some of the contributing factors to what the user feels and interprets as Kick.
So what is different about the 09 Ego paintball gun? To start with the valve chamber axis and the rammer chamber axis are no longer the same. By separating these 2 bores we have been able to move the rammer axis up in the body of the marker, closer to the bolt axis. By moving the 2 axis closer together, and joining the bolt and the rammer with a much shorter pin, the Off-Axis effect of the bolt on the rammer is greatly reduced. And as such, the feeling of kick bolt system is also reduced.
Not only that, but the constant drive of the 09 Ego line to bring the grip-point, or heal of the hand up closer to the barrel axis has been further enhanced by moving the rammer axis up closer to the bolt and barrel. This raised grip position is a key element in giving every Ego that "point-ability" factor to the feel that players love about these markers
Larger Valve Chamber
For the last 4 years the Ego valve chamber has stayed roughly the same volume, and manipulation of the valve guide dimensions, solenoid valve and in-line regulator volume has allowed tweaking and refinement of the operating pressure of the gun. With the Ego9 a completely revised body layout has allowed the volume of the valve chamber to grow by approximately 30%. This larger valve chamber, combined with the higher rammer speeds afforded by the new solenoid assembly (see above) have meant that with the standard valve guide (same orifice dimensions as Ego7 and Ego8) the operating pressure has been dropped to an incredibly low 160psi at 290fps. This reduced operating pressure is well below any other previous Ego, and is in the kind of operating range that is normally associated with a Spool Valve type marker. The benefits of a reduced operating pressure? Quieter shot signature and reduced peak pressure behind the ball.
Eclipse Features
Since the Launch of the Ego in late 2004 Eclipse has developed and integrated a range of features into their markers that have helped set them apart from the rest of the competition. All of the features listed below can now not-only be found in the Eclipse Ego range, but in the Eclipse Geo range as well.
Deftek Feed – The Deftek Offset Feed is a subtle yet brutally effective solution to an age-old problem. LBB, or Last Ball Bounce, is a phenomenon that plagues every vertical feed marker. Balls that are free-falling down the feed tube from the loader fall into the breech, trigger the Ball Detection system, and initiate the firing cycle. The ball then hits the bottom of the breech, bounces un-hindered off the bottom of the breech and back up the feed tube. In the time that the markers pneumatic system has taken to react to the firing signal and started to move the bolt, the ball is now half way back out of the breech. The bolt cycles forward and cuts or crushes the ball as it is half in and half out of the breech.
The Deftek feed combats this problem by stepping the incoming vertical feed tube a couple of millimetres to the side of the breech. Now as the free-falling ball enters the breech, it first contacts an angled portion of the breech that deflects the ball across the breech to the far wall. This action both absorbs energy from the falling ball, and deflects it in a direction that prevents it from bouncing back up the feed port. The ball falls and nestles into the breech, ready to be fired.
By utilizing the Deftek system it means that the firing cycle can be run with no delay in the electronics between a ball being detected by the breech sensor and the solenoid being actuated to fire the marker. There is no need for the system to wait for the ball to "settle" in the breech, and no need to wait in case the ball bounces in the breech. This makes cycle times as short, and as responsive as possible.
The Cure2 Bolt – The original Ego Cure bolt was developed to combat a very unique phenomena. Contrary to popular belief, it was not developed to prevent Ball Chopping (where a ball that is loading/falling into the breech is trapped between the bolt face and the feed/breech wall) but rather to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, breakages caused by the bolt "Clipping" the 2nd ball in the feed stack.
"2nd Ball Clipping" is primarily caused by part of the 2nd ball in the feed stack being forced down into the breech area by a force fed loader. As the bolt comes forward to fire the 1st ball in the stack it "clips" the bottom of the 2nd ball. This can lead to the 2nd ball becoming cracked or weakened, or even creating a pin-prick hole in the bottom of the ball. Then this damaged ball falls into the breech, then becoming the 1st ball. When this gets fired during the next shot, it normally explodes in the barrel, very close to the breech area.
What the Cure Bolt does is provide a ramped surface at the front of the bolt that pushes the 2nd ball more gently back up the feed tube and out of the way of the bolt. This helps to minimize the impact on the 2nd ball and hopefully prevent any damage to the ball that can lead to premature failure during firing.
In order to still provide excellent efficiency and zero blow-back into the breech, the Cure2 in the 09 Ego Paontball Gun also utilizes 2 seal elements that are suspended over grooved cuts in the bolt body. These suspended o-rings allow a perfect seal during the firing phase, but are allowed to "dip" out of the way of the 2nd ball to maximise the gently ramped upper surface.
In addition, the Cure2 offers Cupped and Profiled bolt head that completely eradicates ball roll-back into the face of the bolt. This feature ensures that the ball in the breech is always perfectly in line with ball stack above it in the feed tube. This further helps reduce the overlap of ball 1 and 2 in the breech and further reduces second ball clipping.
S3 In-Line Regulator
The new S3 regulator has had a complete overhaul for the 2009 Model Line. The S3 Regulator allows more than double the air-flow of any previous Eclipse In-Line regulator. Flow has been increased through all major components from the adjuster through to the new piston. This increased flow rate helps the regulator provide even quicker recharge times than previous Eclipse regulators, but without jeopardising the reliability and simplicity of the design and maintenance. The S3 maintains the coil spring mechanism, and physically retained piston seal first seen on the SL range, but also incorporated a completely new feature:
For the first time in a regulator of this style, the design incorporates a self purging mechanism that prevents the marker storing a shot after the tank has been removed. A simple pressure-controlled poppet that is factory-installed into every S3 piston prevents up-stream air being retained in the marker after the tank has been removed.
Both the Geo and the 09 Ego use unique Coil Springs in order for them to operate at the highest possible performance level at their required output pressure ranges without the possibility of damaging the markers specific Solenoid Valves.
09 Ego LCD Display – One of the features most synonymous with Eclipse products has been the inclusion of the Heads-Up back-lit LCD display mounted down the back of the frame. This display gives the user instant visual access to the markers modes, operational condition and settings, and makes adjustment and monitoring of marker function on the fly a very simple task.
The back-lit transflective technology mean that the LCD display utilized in all Eclipse Products can be viewed both in the very brightest sunlit conditions, and pitch black conditions. Sunlight does not "wash out" the display, and does not make it illegible.
This ability to view the display in wide range of conditions, with the marker in a natural firing position, makes the built-in game timer, shot counter, ROF indicator and BBSS monitor useful tools that can really be used in-game without affecting your performance.
Dual Selectable Trigger Switching – There are two commonly available trigger switching mechanisms on markers today. Micro-switch – where the trigger acts against a lever-arm micro-switch to actuate the firing cycle. And Opto-switch – where the trigger is used to break an infrared beam to produce a contact-free operation.
Both systems have their pluses and minuses and it is often a purely personal preference as to which players prefer. Traditionally a marker comes fitted with either one switch type or the other, and a player is reliant on having to purchase an aftermarket board at a considerable cost in order to change from one type to the other.
However Eclipse believe that in a premium product the player should have the option to choose without the need for any further expenditure. Hence you will find both Opto and Micro switch options available on this board. The trigger and the software can be configured to operate off either of the switches. A completely contact-les set-up with no micro-switch actuation, or a crisply set-up "mouse-click" operation with micro selected. The choice is there. As standard.
Dual Trigger Return Mechanism – Like the trigger switching option, most modern markers offer either a magnetic return action or a spring return action. Again, here Eclipse excel by providing both systems as standard. Not only are there 3 separate external adjustments for trigger position and actuation point, but there are also separate Magnetic and Spring trigger return mechanisms. Either mechanism can be employed independently of the other to create either fully magnetic, or fully spring return. Or both mechanisms can be combined in an infinitely adjustable and variable system to produce a completely unique feel.
Whichever you choose, you can be assured that the trigger-action will be as smooth and as slop-free as is possible in a modern paintball marker. With the trigger clamped to a ground and hardened steel pivot pin that is suspended between widely spaced dual sealed instrument ball races there is no platform that could provide a more robust and durable base for a high-performance triggering mechanism.
Integrated Audible Sound Device – New for 2009 to the Eclipse Family is an integrated beeper on all circuit boards. But rather than just use the beeper for audible alarms on the Game Timer, the new beeper can also be configured to give audible confirmation of power up, power down and also button pushes.
Weight – 906g/1.99lb Including 14" Shaft3 Barrel, Battery, Feed Tube, OOPS
Length – 531mm Including 14" Shaft3 Barrel
Height – 208mm
Width – 26mm
Operating Pressure – 160psi @ 290fps
* • Poppet Valve Design
* • Off-Set Lower Bores – Reduces off-axis forces
* • Low Pressure operation – 160psi @ 290fps
* • Air Efficient – 1700+ shots from 68/45
* • Ultra High Performance Solenoid Valve
* • Direct Porting System for Solenoid Inlet and Exhaust Pathways
* • 2.5 x Larger Air Flow from LPR to Solenoid
* • Zick Rammer Assembly
* • 30% Increase in Valve Chamber Volume
* • Cure2 Bolt
* • Integrated LPR Assembly
* • BBSS (Break Beam Sensor System)
* • Black-On-White Transflective LCD Module
* • Def-Tek Offset Feed
* • C-Lever Clamping Feedneck
* • Dual Selectable Trigger Switching – Opto and Micro Switches
* • Dual Trigger Return Mechanisms – Spring and Magnetic Return
* • Integrated Audible Beeper for Alarms and Actuations
* • Capped and Uncapped Ramp Modes
* • All Major Tournament Presets
* • 9 Preset Debounce Modes
* • 5-Point Adjustable Trigger
* • T-Rail Mounting System
* • OOPS – On/Off/Purge ASA System
* • S3 Self-Purging In-Line Regulator
* • 14" Shaft3 2-Piece 0.693" Barrel